Thursday, May 14, 2009

A thought accured to me yesterday that was "why have they not they made a game like Obi-Wan but for Anakin?". I mean it would be a great game. It could start with him in the Phantom Menace's Pod Race and follow him thru his Jedi training and end when he dies in Return of the Jedi. It would probably be a 99% chance of sucseeding most triumphantly. So hopefully this idea will reach the lucasarts minds and there will finally be something to fill in all those gaps.

The Beggining of a great star wars blog

Hello everyone my name is Gabriel Hackman. I am living in Huangdao, China. i've created this blog because i am the only die hard star wars fan in town. This way, I can say anything i want to say about Star Wars and no one will say "Come again?". So hope you enjoy.